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Corporate I Commercial

Thomas Ligart

I grew up in Slovakia, and studied hotel and tourism management.However it does not sound so photo related but when someone book a place, he wants to see images.

I have been working in pitoresque locations and I tried to imagine the best way to show and capture a moment. The moment of thinking "yes" i book that place. I was framing my views but I missed a camera.

When few years ago I came to London, I was fotrunate to find a job in a photolab. So I had a chance to put the vision to paper.

However they were the clients who asked me to retouche or edit their photos. I enjoyed it and I thought why not to do photos myself. 

After I purchased my camera I found out that this is something that i really love to do always.To try to catch a great moment, perhaps never repeating itself, the speed of it and neverless the light. Photographing people, lansdscape and architecture fills me with equal enthusiasm and I can let my fantasy do its part but same time respect whatever I photograph.

Sometimes colours matters, but they can distrup me too.

Like when you photograph a person, in black and white you can see his soul, but in colour you photograph his clothes.

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